Photos of the Kids 2004

Here are pictures from 2004. Enjoy!

Santa's Helpers

The kids look adorable in their santa hats.

Santa Baby

The kids went to visit Santa at our local Heritage Square.

Merry Christmas

This is the pic we took for Christmas cards (one version).

Christmas Pageant

Sydni was an angel and Caleb and Jacob were shepherds at the annual MDO Christmas pageant. It was hard to get good pictures of the kids -- reindeer were in front of the kids and the Moms with cameras are brutal (Even Auntie D was shocked and pushed around)! Jacob was a little upset because he wanted to sit in the audience with us so he didn't perform very much.

Happy Fourth Birthday

The kids celebrated their Fourth birthday as the Hulk (Jacob), Princess Aurora (Sydni) and Spiderman (Caleb).

Birthday Goofballs

Sydni, Caleb & Jacob are proud to be four and show it with their funny faces.

Sea World

We've gotten season passes to Sea World every year since the kids were two and they absolutely look forward to going there every year.

First Carnival

We took the kids to their first carnival for TIF days.

Fouth of July

Jacob, Sydni and Caleb in their "Future President" tees before heading out to view the fireworks.

Water Babies

Jacob, Sydni and Caleb loved playing in their pool all summer long.

Out Little Ballerina

Sydni had an amazing performance at her first official ballet recital!

Botanical Garden

Caleb, Jacob and Sydni take time out from looking at the beautiful flowers to take a picture with Granny Gran

Easter 2004

Sydni, Jacob and Caleb visited the Easter Bunny at the mall shortly before Easter.

Ready for church

The kids pose before going to church in Wharton, TX

Antique Photos

Here are Caleb, Sydni and Jacob posing for their first Antique photos.

Photos courtesy of Antiquities