Since last year's resolution was to keep the site updated to some degree, how about this year's resolution is to not update it at all -- maybe then there will be frequent updates.
Get ready for a long update since it's been a couple of months since the last one.
We celebrated PoPo's birthday on November 13th. When we told the kids that it was PoPo's birthday, their first statement was that we have to have a party for him. So Sydni picked a "Finding Nemo" theme for the plates and party hats; and Caleb said he had to have a "firetruck" cake. The kids each got to pick their gifts for PoPo -- oh so sweet -- Sydni got him a Barbie doll; Jacob got him a nerf basketball set; and Caleb got him a firetruck. Everything he's always wanted and more. They were so excited to give him his gifts.
On November 22, we took the kids to see Thomas the Tank. We told them a couple of days before we were supposed to go that we would be going -- on the day of the actual event, they could hardly stand it. We had to wake them up from their naps, but once they heard we were on our way to see Thomas the Tank, they were very happy. Caleb hugged Auntie D so hard with excitement. We got there just in time to catch the boarding and we took our seats. This was the kids first train ride and they were ecstatic. Caleb told Granny Gran, "I'm so excited". Jacob couldn't keep seated because he was so excited. He was waving to everyone who was watching along the street. Sydni enjoyed herself too. They got to take pictures in front of Thomas the Tank and with Sir Topham Hatt. Once inside, they played with the trains and went crazy in the gift shop.
Thanksgiving was a little quiet this year. Sydni and Auntie D both got sick the night before Thanksgiving. They were both running 103 degree temperatures throughout the day so they had to miss the annual lunch with the family. Mommy had to work that night so she spent the day sleeping. Granny Gran and PoPo had to take care of Sydni and Auntie D so they spent the day cooking and watching the sick. Luckily the others didn't get too sick.
We had our annual Christmas Cookie Exchange Party on December 6. All three helped Auntie D and Granny Gran bake their cookies. They love to help bake. Since the party is for girls only, the boys stayed behind with Grandma Sherry. After the party, Mommy and Auntie D took Sydni and Cousin Valerie to see the Nutcracker. This was the first time seeing it for Mommy, Auntie D and Sydni. It was absolutely wonderful and will definitely become a Christmas tradition. We didn't take the boys because over Thanksgiving weekend, we took all three kids to see the Ballet Folklorico Christmas pageant and had to leave at intermission because the boys were miserable. We didn't think they would want to sit through the Nutcracker. Sydni on the other hand loved it. She was actually doing ballet moves for us during the show.
Since the kids are going to Mother's Day Out, they were able to participate in their first "Christmas program" on December 11. We were so excited to see them up on stage. They kept telling us they were going to sing. They would sing Jingle Bells around the house and we just knew they were going to do great. We had our fingers crossed at least hoping that they would perform well. Unfortunately, the program was scheduled right after their nap time. Our kids usually need at least an hour to wake up and become cheery. They had to be woken up from their naps so we should have known then that things wouldn't go well. They brought them out and the most I can say is that at least ours weren't the only ones not singing. It made for great entertainment. Jacob has this thing now where he opens his mouth and will do a fake yawn for a long time. It is so dramatic. Well, Jacob timed his fake yawns to coincide with the lyrics. This made everyone laugh. Sydni pouted and hung her head down and puffed her stomach out during the entire program. The sad thing is that Granny Gran has the exact same picture of Auntie D around the same age. Such attitude. And Caleb had his sleeve in his mouth the entire time. For their very first public performance, we think they did great.
The kids looked so cute in their outfits that they wore to their Christmas program so we took off to the mall to visit Santa and get pictures. We had been playing up Santa so much this year -- they were all amazed that Auntie D had Santa's phone number at the North Pole. Caleb learned that Santa takes long baths since every time Auntie D called she had to talk to Mrs. Claus because Santa was always in the tub (a little insurance in case a certain little one wanted to talk to him). Well once we got to the mall, we had to wait 15 mins. for Santa to finish feeding the reindeer. This just built up their excitement. Once Santa arrived, they were beside themselves. They were squealing with delight. This is the first year that they have all actually been happy to see him and not frightened. They each went up to him and told him exactly what they wanted. From Caleb's list: motorcycle, basketball and a hot wheels camera; From Sydni's list; dollhouse, pink cat (or as she calls it, a catty), and a red apple for her Snow White outfit; From Jacob's list: basketball, basketball, and in case he didn't get the hint, a basketball. When we were leaving the mall, we walked back by Santa's Village and Jacob started yelling bye Santa, bye Santa and then when Santa finally saw him and said bye to them, he yelled "Merry Christmas". That little boy is just too sweet -- they all are.
We've been trying to teach the children about giving to those who are less fortunate and thought we'd pass that along this Christmas by having them give gifts to Red Santa (the firemen's charity since they love firemen and firetrucks). We told the kids that Santa had called Auntie D and asked her if the kids could help him out this Christmas. There were some kids that he wasn't going to be able to visit so he wanted to see if we could buy them gifts and take them to the firemen to have them deliver them to the kids. They were so excited so we took them to Target and told them to pick out a gift each to give to a little boy and girl. They were so into the spirit of giving. When we got home, we went by and visited Santa at the local square and then went to the firemen's station to see when we could deliver our gifts. There were two firemen on duty and they took the kids up on the firetruck and let them play in the truck for about 30 mins. The boys were just in awe of them. They took pictures with them and showed them where the water sprayers were and explained what they did when a fire broke out. Then we went and got the gifts from the van and they each walked up to them and handed them their gifts. As soon as Jacob gave them his gift, he turned around and picked out a gift he thought he could take home. He was very cute when he gave it back. They wanted to go back the next day to give more gifts.
Caleb thinks so highly of the firemen that he thinks they can do anything. They love Christmas lights but noticed that their house didn't have any lights up. They asked why we didn't have any lights up and we said we couldn't put them up and Mommy was working and nobody could help us. Caleb said "why doesn't anybody want to help us". We were just speechless. He then very quickly said, "I know, the firemen can help us. They can bring their firetruck and I'll climb up the ladder and put them up". Oh, it was hard to drive because my eyes were so teary with his reasoning. We told him the firemen were busy so we didn't think they could help us, but he just knew they would bring their truck to help us put up our lights. When we told Mommy the story that night, it really hit her too because she got up on that ladder soon after and put up the lights. Those kids know their Mommy can do anything. Whenever somethings broken around the house, either it needs batteries (regardless of whether or not it takes batteries) or Mommy will fix it.
Caleb and Sydni both had "Parents Night" at their tumbling and ballet class. Neither of them wanted to perform in front of all the parents. Sydni's ballet class went to the local nursing homes to perform "The Night Before Christmas". On the first night, Sydni wouldn't do anything. Saturday morning, December 19, was the second and last performance at another nursing home. We told Sydni to just look for Auntie D in the audience and act like you're dancing for her. When she came out, she looked for Auntie D, found her, smiled and danced her little heart out. Mommy and Auntie D were the only ones who were there to see it, sans video camera, but Auntie D took her digital camera and thank goodness that has a video camera on it. She did an awesome job. She's going to be a wonderful ballerina.
The kids had five different Christmas parties to go to again this year. We started Christmas a few days early because we thought PoPo was going to have surgery the week of Christmas. When we found out he wasn't going to have to have surgery, we still went ahead with the early Christmas because we had already told the kids they could open some presents. They had so much fun opening all their gifts. They got everything they asked for and much much more. On Christmas Eve, we had our annual family celebration. When we got there, Jacob greeted each person individually with "Merry Christmas" and either a hug or a handshake. Then right before we re-enacted the nativity scene, he threw a temper tantrum. The boys were going to be two of the wise men and Sydni was the Virgin Mary. Sydni had been practing exactly how she was going to hold her hands for quite a while. She was mimicking the Virgin Mary that Mommy had put under the Christmas tree. Since Jacob threw a tantrum and wouldn't perform, one of the other cousins took his place. Caleb and Sydni were wonderful and did great during the play. They looked very cute in their outfits.
New Year's Eve.....we stayed home, released some party poppers and lit some sparklers. This was the first time the kids had held sparklers and Jacob and Sydni had a blast. Caleb doesn't like fireworks too much so he passed on holding the sparklers.
It has been a great year and the kids have grown so much and have learned so much this year. They are absolutely amazing kids and we are so thankful and grateful to be blessed with them. It is truly a joy having all three in our lives.
I can't believe how long it has been since we've posted an update. I don't even know if I can remember everything that has happened since the last post but I will try my best.
Probably the biggest thing that has happened is that the kids have been sick for quite a while. First they all got colds/allergies/bronchitis again. Runny noses and coughs for everyone. Then, Jacob got sick on Oct. 17. He woke Auntie D up in the middle of the night and started vomiting all over her. Another trip to the closest 24 hr. drug store -- 20 miles away -- at 3 am. A trip to the doctor the next morning confirmed that he had a stomach virus. Sunday afternoon, Sydni started to vomit. After medication wouldn't stop the vomiting, the doctor had us take Sydni to the emergency room. While waiting for the doctor to see Sydni, Auntie D threw up ten times -- so they put IV's in both of them and sent them home after about four hours of emergency room care. Caleb only vomited once so we're pretty sure he has a stomach of steel. Granny Gran and Mommy also got sick with the stomach virus. It is a vicious, vicious ailment!
The kids are still enjoying school. They absolutely love their teacher, Mrs. Hall. One day they came home and said "Moses said -- let my people go". They just love sharing what they learned at school.
We signed the kids up for winter t-ball at the County YMCA. All three were on the same team -- "The Sharks". They had their first game on October 4. It was so much fun watching them play. We didn't practice enough with them beforehand. Jacob was the first one up to bat. He hit the ball and tried to run after the ball. Caleb was next up and he hit the ball and we had to yell for him to go to first. Sydni was next and she ran to first but got out. Once it was their turn to play in the outfield, that was a little more difficult. None of them wanted to go after the ball at first. Jacob decided he was going to go get the ball but threw himself on the ground and started crying when someone beat him to the ball. Caleb would run after the ball but didn't mind when someone else got there before him. They only had three games to play -- one was rained out so the season lasted a week longer than we thought it would. Before the last game, Sydni said she didn't want to play t-ball anymore. She wanted to be a cheerleader. And true to her word, she didn't play the last game --- she didn't get to be a cheerleader, but she still didn't play.
Since one game was postponed, Granny Gran and Auntie D took the kids to the Children's Museum to see the exhibit, Mi Familia. It was a great exhibit. They filled a pinata, played mariachi music, made mexican food, and much much more. Looks like a great place to have a birthday party.
We had a Halloween play date for the kids and some of their cousins. It was a great time and everyone looked cute in their costumes. Sydni dressed as Dora the Explorer; Caleb was Boots the monkey; Jacob was Swiper the fox. Sydni actually had two costumes. She had first said she wanted to be Snow White. Then we brought up the idea of Dora, Boots and Swiper and the kids loved it. So Sydni wanted to be Dora/Snow White. So, halfway through the party, she changed outfits and dressed as Snow White because a couple of her cousins were princesses too.
Halloween was a good night. Granny Gran and Auntie D (Mommy was working) took the kids to their school for a fall festival. They had lots of games and a moon walk. Jacob threw a fit because someone else wanted to play the basketball throw. That's when we had to leave. We then went to the city-sponsored Spooktacular but there wasn't too much to do there so we went trick-or-treating around the neighborhood and then went to Aunt Yolanda's to visit. She had a little party and the kids got to bob for apples. They had a blast. Sydni dressed as Snow White; Jacob wouldn't wear his costume so he went as a baseball player; and Caleb dressed as Boots only because we told him Mrs. Hall wanted to see his costume. He was so excited when he saw her.
We went to a family party last Saturday night to celebrate Aunt Emily and Uncle Sonny's retirement, Cousin Cancis' safe return from Iraq, and Cousin Yvette's ten-year anniversary of her brain aneurysm. It was a great time with family. They had a DJ and Jacob took to the dance floor like he belonged there. He and Sydni were dancing all night long.
This convinced Mommy that Jacob really should be going to dance school with Sydni. He's been asking to go with her so Tuesday was Jacob's first day of dance class. He did great -- he was a little distracted and kept playing with his backpack but he did participate in the class. He distracted Sydni a bit but she enjoys having him in her class. Jacob loves his tap shoes -- or at least the noise they make.
Caleb started tumbling class (at the same dance studio) on Saturday. He is quite good. He's coming home and teaching the others what he's learned. He's finally completely better from his latest bout of illness (but now Sydni and Jacob are starting to get a cough).
We took the kids to Chuck E. Cheese's on Friday night. Caleb has started asking Auntie D at least every week if she has money. And once she says yes, he asks when we can go to Chuck E. Cheese. It's too depressing for him if she responds that she doesn't have money so it looks like we'll be heading to Chuck E. Cheese once a month.
The kids attended their first day of Mother's Day Out on Tuesday. They absolutely LOVE it!!!
Mommy and Auntie D took the kids to school. Jacob was the first one off the van and quickly put on his backpack and asked for his blue lunch bag. Caleb came next and needed help off the van because he couldn't wait until he got off the van to put on his backpack so he was a little back heavy. Sydni was just so excited she was squealing.
We walked them into their room to see their teacher and Sydni and Caleb preceeded to put up their backpacks and lunch bags in their designated cubby holes. Jacob tore into the center of the room, threw off his backpack and let it and the lunch bag fall to the center of the room. Mommy and Auntie D were the ones with tears in their eyes when we dropped them off -- the kids didn't even notice that we left the room.
The teacher said she was very impressed with how much they know already. Jacob gave her lots of hugs and kisses and told her he loved her; Caleb is very determined to do everything by himself -- the teacher quickly found that out; Sydni played with everything and took a little nap -- she's enjoying her new "friends".
They had recess, colored, read, had lunch and snacks, and more recess. Caleb played with his backpack all evening. Jacob wanted to go back to school that night. And Sydni wanted to go the next day. Today, Jacob and Syndi were the only ones who went because Caleb is suffering with the croup. His cough is just awful. But the day wasn't all bad for him because he had Granny Gran all to himself and he got new rocket shoes with laces. He is determined to tie the laces all by himself.
Thursday when Granny Gran picked Jacob and Sydni up, she asked Sydni if she had to go sit in the time out chair today (to see if they were behaving)and Sydni said "I didn't pull that girls hair". Granny Gran was shocked.
On Saturday night, Auntie D, Mommy and Daddy took the kids to see Disney On Ice's Princess Classics edition in Waco. It was a long ride there (and back) but the kids had the best time. When we got there, Jacob would not take a picture with Cinderella and Caleb wouldn't smile for his and Sydni's picture. But once we sat down and the show started, they were all excited. We saw Snow White, Belle, Jasmine, Mulan, Ariel, Sleeping Beauty, Mickey and Minnie Mouse, and last but not least, Cinderella. It was a great show! Sydni was so upset because we were sitting up high (not too high since it was a small arena) so we couldn't get down fast enough for her to say hi to Cinderella at the end of the performance. She was so upset that Auntie D promised her that they would make it to Disney World next year so she could meet her. When we were leaving the show, we stopped to take another picture and lo and behold, all three smiled and took their picture with Cinderella. She has a magical spell over them. Whenever we need to calm them down, we put on the Cinderella video and it calms them.
Last Tuesday, the kids had an open house for their new "Mothers Day Out" program that they will be starting. They loved it. They made friends and had so much stuff to play with that we shouldn't have worried at all about how they would react. It's their first time going to "school" and staying with someone other than family so we're all a little anxious but excited for them. They start "school" this week so Auntie D will post pictures from their first day soon. A funny little story from their open house -- the kids have never played with scissors but the school had a pair of plastic scissors that they could use. Jacob grabbed the scissors, walked up to Sydni and took some of her hair and tried to "cut" it. Sydni turned around and said "No, Jacob. Uncle Louie cuts my hair!".
Speaking of which, you can see in her picture with Cinderella that she got a haircut. It looks too cute on her. And with every haircut, her attitude gets sassier and sassier.
Sydni continues to enjoy dance classes. She was dancing around the house in her leotard and ballet shoes before classes last week and Jacob wanted to dance with her. He told Mommy he wanted to go to dance classes too so she signed him up. He starts with her this week. We'll try to get pictures of him in class because it may be the only one he attends. Caleb still says he does not want to go because in his words "I'm a boy!".
The kids are three now. It is hard to believe how fast they are growing up. We celebrated their birthday this year with a Blues Clues party with family and friends. The kids had so much fun and are enjoying their new toys and clothes they received. The day before their birthday, Tia Lola brought them a homemade birthday cake that was out of this world. It was huge and absolutely delicious. They each enjoyed multiple pieces. On their actual birthday on the 9th, they had to blow out candles on top of their pancakes -- each three times. They sang "Happy Birthday" to each other and kept asking to do it again and again. At lunch, they had birthday cupcakes and once again had to blow out the candle three times each. We were afraid they were going to want everyone to sing to them three times each at their party.
The kids are especially enjoying their new beds. Auntie D bought them big kid beds for their birthday. Sydni got the Dream Castlebed; Jacob got the racecar bed; and Caleb changed his mind from the racecar bed when he saw the firetruck bed. They love their beds. Sydni’s took especially long to come in and she actually started to cry when Auntie D called her and told her it was in. Auntie D had to go to her house and pick her up and take her to see the box the bed was in. Eventually Sydni will get her own room. The boys will be actually able to get some sleep once that happens. PoPo and Granny Gran bought the kids bikes for their birthday. At the party, Caleb asked for his bike. When we asked him who told him he was getting a bike, he said “Sissy”. Sydni spent the night at Granny Gran and PoPo’s house a couple of weeks back and saw the bikes. She told the boys they had bikes at the house. Caleb would not get off the bike. He still rides it constantly. He and Jacob ride their bikes around the dining room table. They can really get going on those things.
It has been quite a while since the last update so I'll try to give a brief update on what's been going on in the kids lives.
Sydni started dance classes last week. She will go once a week and starting this week, will be on her own. We were only allowed to watch her during her first class. We're a little worried about her staying without any of us there with her, but her cousins Maddy and Sierra are also in the class so we're hoping they'll help her out some. She looks so cute in her leotard. She had the best time in her tap shoes. The classes consist of ballet, tap and tumbling.
All three will be involved in T-ball starting next month. They'll be doing this through the county YMCA. We're looking forward to this. The boys were going to participate in the fall soccer league, but we thought we should start out with something smaller -- T-ball is only three games compared to soccer's eight games.
This summer we didn't make it to Disney World but instead went on a little tour of Texas. At the end of June, we took the kids down to the valley (San Juan). They did remarkably well in the van ride down there. From there we returned home for a couple of days and then headed to San Antonio on July 1st to go to Sea World. We spent three days in San Antonio and the kids had an absolute ball. Auntie D and cousin Ashley went with Mommy, Daddy and the kids. All three fell in love with Shamu. We dined with Shamu and the kids got a thrill out of being able to get so close. They are now fixated on watching the movie "Free Willy" as much as possible. Caleb loves the video at the beginning of the movie and tries to imitate Michael Jackson's moves from the video. He is quite the character.
We were all back home for the 4th of July. This was the first time the kids have actually seen fireworks. They have been asleep in the previous years. They were all excited about seeing them, but the minute they started, Caleb got a little frightened and hid for a few minutes. Granny Gran coaxed him back out to see them and they all enjoyed them. Sydni called them raindrops. Jacob enjoyed them but wanted to play in PoPo's truck more so.
On July 5th, Mommy and Daddy took the kids and went to Houston to visit the Museum and Zoo and visit the butterfly exhibit. They spent a few days in Houston. It was a very long week-and-a-half for everyone but the kids enjoyed it. They're already asking when we're going back to Sea World.
The kids participated in their first “Kid Fish”, a city-sponsored event on June 14th. This was the first time the kids had ever been fishing so we were all very excited. Mommy went and bought them each a new fishing pole. There were so excited to be there – they even baited their own lines. Each of them received a fish trophy for participating. While Auntie D was reloading her camera, Jacob turned around and threw two of the fish into the water. We all thought he had thrown his fishing pole in the water but a man passing by told us he had thrown the trophies into the water. He thought he was saving the fish. It was too cute!
The past three days have been a little rough in the kids house. They are mourning the passing of their best friends -- pink pacy, blue pacy and yellow pacy. Although those pacy's served their purpose and were there for the kids for many, many months of comfort, it was time to say good-bye. They had become very dependent on them, especially during these last couple of illnesses. The doctor advised us that it was time to let them go since it might be contributing to their many ear infections. That was all she needed to say to convince Mommy it was time to say bye-bye.
So, on Friday, Granny Gran asked the kids if they were ready to throw away their pacy's and each one of them took them to the trash can and threw them away. They went the entire day without them. For the naps, it was a little difficult but they finally went down for a nap. Auntie D spent the night with them and it was a long, long, long night. Caleb and Sydni had become very attached to their pacy's. Jacob could take it or leave it -- but lately wanted it more. So we were surprised when Jacob was the one who took it the hardest Friday night. Auntie D was carrying him and rocking him to sleep and he asked for his pacy. She reminded him he had thrown it away and then he pouted and wimpered for a little while but then he went to sleep. Caleb woke up a few times crying but he didn't ask for his pacy. He was sad but Auntie D told him she knew he was sad but it would be OK. Jacob woke up about three times and wimpered each time and just dug his head into Auntie D's neck and held on tight. Sydni cried out a few times but just as quick as she cried out she went back to sleep. They all woke up at 6:30 AM on Saturday and all three were ornery and just going through horrible withdrawals. Auntie D was very glad when Mommy walked in at 7:00 am to help with the patients and even more glad when Grandma Sherry showed up at 8:30 am to watch the boys for a couple of hours.
When Granny Gran left on Saturday night, Caleb ran up to her and asked her for his pacy. She reminded him that he had thrown it in the trash and they had taken the trash outside and the trashmen came and took away the trash. He threw his hand over his mouth and made a forced laugh and said "ohhhhhh, the trash men took away pacy"....Granny Gran said he said it like he wanted to cry. Poor thing.
It's now Sunday and we have hopefully passed the most difficult days. Addiction is a hard thing to beat and it's sad that the kids have had to go through this so early in life but hopefully it will be the only time. The house can now go from being a rehab clinic back to a playhouse.
On another note, the kids have finished their first session of gynmastics at "My Little Gym". They went on separate days but are now going to go as a group on Wednesdays. They are all doing great. They all get up on the high balance beam, they love to hang from the uneven parallel bars, and Jacob and Caleb are doing flips on their own. Caleb even manages to do a head stand with the help of the wall. He is quite a gymnast.
Sydni is now going potty in the big girl potty. She told Mommy on Monday that she wanted to go potty so Mommy set the potty up in the living room. She sat on that thing for TWO hours. She would not get off. She ate her snacks there and drank lots and lots of water there. After two hours, she finally went potty and she screamed "I DID IT! I DID IT!" She was so proud of herself. We told her she'll have to be going potty by herself if she wants to take dance lessons this summer so now she has a goal.
Sydni went to her first Bingo last night with Granny Gran. A week ago she told her Mommy that Granny Gran wanted to go to the Bingo. No one told her to say that or even talked about Bingo that day -- she must have been reading Granny Gran's mind. She told her she wanted to go with her to the Bingo, so Granny Gran promised her she could go soon. So she took her with her last night. She behaved great and had everyone around her laughing because she was repeating the numbers and saying Bingo when someone would win.
Today was our turn to go see "Dora the Explorer" Live in San Antonio at the Majestic Theatre. We picked up Cousin Colleen and Cousin Gaby on the way. Aunt Eleanor, Cousin Jessi, Aunt Yolanda, Cousin Noah and Cousin Lexi met us on the road, literally. They all had a great time. Once again Caleb was mesmerized by the performance. Jacob and Sydni were as well. During the second half/near the end, they all came alive and were clapping, dancing, and answering Dora's questions. The theatre is absolutely beautiful. They said no cameras but Auntie D (and quite a few other people too) took her camera in and was able to get some good shots of the show.
All three of the kids have been sick. Caleb came down with a runny nose and cough over a week ago. The doctor said he had bronchitis, once again. Sydni followed with a runny nose but no cough. Jacob had a slight runny nose but no cough yet. He would not eat a thing on Saturday so we were worried that he was getting sick but it passed. Caleb still has a little bit of his cough but he's much better. He'll tell you that he's sick when you walk into the house, as if to explain why he has his paci so it won't get taken away from him. Sydni will say she's sick whether she is or not just so she can get her paci. Jacob just says "my paci" over and over until he gets it.
They continue to say the cutest things. A while back Sydni saw that Auntie D's dining room chair had a peg that was broken and she said "oh no, it's broken. It needs batteries." The other day Jacob pulled a chair over to the kitchen counter, grabbed the phone, pushed the talk button and said "Hello, order pizza, bye!". I think maybe we order pizza too much! And Caleb is always saying "oh no" or "OK" in the cutest voice. At the library the other day, he was waiting right outside the van for Jacob to get off and Jacob had his paci in his mouth and he was drooling -- a bit of drool fell onto Caleb's arm and Caleb said "oh no, it's raining!".
We took the kids to San Antonio to see Barney's Colorful World yesterday. We all went as did Aunt Yolanda and Cousin Lexi and Aunt Eleanor and Cousin Jessi. We were in the first row on the floor -- front and center. They loved it. For the first part of the show, Caleb sat very still and did not want anyone touching him or talking to him. He just sat there and looked straight ahead and would not give any kind of reaction. Granny Gran did see him sneak a smile in every once in a while but other than that, he was mesmerized (or scared!). As soon as intermission started, he started dancing and jumping around and then he was able to enjoy the last half of the show. Jacob was laughing, singing and dancing the entire time. He went from Mommy to Auntie D to Granny Gran during the entire performance. They threw out beach balls during intermission and he had a ball then. Sydni was dancing around during the entire performance. They threw out confetti a couple of times and Sydni was right there in the front picking it up and storing it in her pocket -- for her scrapbook I'm sure. She is so like her Auntie D.
Next is Dora the Explorer later this month.
The kids are still enjoying their gymnastics classes. Caleb did a flip on his own on Thursday after attending his class. He is so good and so limber. He loves the class. We passed the gym class on our way to Barney, and he said "Caleb goes there". Sydni is starting to get more at ease in her class and can get on the bar and climb up the wall. She is also great on the balance beam. She is also an amazing jumper. Jacob's favorite part of the class is when it is "ball time". If he sees a ball during class, forget everything else.
Happy Birthday Granny Gran!
First to get caught up on Easter -- the kids had a wonderful Easter this year. They enjoyed 5 (FIVE) Easter egg hunts -- one at Po Po's work on Friday, the City sponsored one on Saturday, one at Grandma Sherry's on Saturday, one at home on Sunday and one at Madrina Tina's on Sunday. They were pros by the time it was over. The week after they were still talking about going Easter egg hunting. One of their favorite movies right now is the Looney Tunes Easter Eggstravaganza (and Strawberry Shortcake for Jacob).
At the hunt on Friday, the Easter bunny was there. We didn't get pictures with all three because they didn't all want to stand with him at once. Sydni was by his side holding his hand the entire time. Caleb didn't want to stay around him too long. Jacob just ran up long enough to give him a hug and then ran back to Po Po so they could go looking for ladybugs.
At the get-together on Sunday at Madrina Tina's, most of Granny Gran's sisters were there along with their families. The kids had fun playing outside all day long. Madrina Tina's dog, Buddy, was outside too and they loved looking at him. Jacob wanted to go play with him so bad but we held him back. He held up his hotdog to him and said "bite" "want bite?". It was too cute.
We had to take Sydni to the doctor the Thursday before Easter. She started complaining that her tooth hurt. Mommy made an appointment to take her to the dentist but the dentist couldn't find anything wrong with her -- just complimented her on her great brushing. So, we took her to her doctor later in the day because the dentist said it might be an earache. Well, the doctor couldn't find anything either. She asked Sydni where it hurt and Sydni pointed to the exact same spot whenever she asked her so the doctor took another hard look into her mouth -- and lo and behold she found a puss-filled blister like thing between her cheek and gums. Somehow she had contracted a viral infection in her mouth which was causing her severe pain whenever she ate anything. The doctor prescribed a slurry of three medications to be put directly on the virus and told us to feed her ice cream, yogurt and pudding whenever she wanted it. This thing should be named after Sydni because we knew she was going to be in heaven with those instructions. Those are her favorite foods! She hated the medicine but she would take it because she knew it made her feel better. The doctor was very impressed with Sydni. She said for her just being two-and-a-half years old, she was shocked that she was able to pinpoint exactly where her pain was coming from and was even more impressed that she would tell us where it was. That's our Sydni.
Mommy signed all three kids up for a little gymnastics class at My Little Gym. They all go on separate days. Jacob goes on Tuesday with Mommy. Caleb goes on Thursday with Granny Gran. And Sydni goes on Saturday with Auntie D. They all think they are going shopping when they go to gym class. They get so excited because they get to go in the coveted "Granny Gran's car". Oh the excitement.
All three are finally getting better. Caleb ended up getting an ear infection. He stopped eating as much for a couple of days so we knew something was wrong with him. Jacob is finally getting over his congestion. And Sydni did not have to go see the doctor because the most she had was a runny nose.
The new outside playground finally got put together. The kids absolutely love it. They call it their "McDonald's slide". It's starting to look like an amusement park in the back yard.
Caleb spent the night with Granny Gran and Po Po last Sunday night. He cried so hard for Granny Gran that she had to go pick him up and bring him home. His obsession with Granny Gran is still as strong as ever -- he's even crazy about her car. He always wants to go in Granny Gran's car. Whenever he wants to get out of the house he asks if he can go to Dee Dee's (Auntie D) house, Granny Gran's house or Po Po's house.
Sydni is still crazy about shopping. She is always saying she wants to go shopping. If you ask her what she wants to go shopping for, it will usually be a necklace but every once in a while she'll say a bracelet. Granny Gran has bought her two necklaces and she still wants more.
Jacob is happy to stay at home. He loves it at home because he has everything he wants right at his fingertips.
We took Jacob to the doctor yesterday. He hadn't been feeling well all week but didn't have a fever -- well he did have a slight fever Friday but that was over quick. When he woke up on Saturday, he was very congested. Mommy called the doctor and she had us bring him in. He has bronchitis, again. In addition to having to take four different kinds of medicine for this bout, he now also has to have the Pulmicort nebulizer treatments every night, year-round -- as well as his nasal spray treatments. Poor thing. Out of the three, he hates the nebulizer the most. Without fail he will start trying to break free after doing the nebulizer for eight minutes -- two minutes shy of the required time.
Since Jacob was sick, the doctor went ahead and put Sydni and Caleb back on their nightly nebulizer treatments for another month. And, sure enough, they both woke up sick. They have coughs and runny noses too. Sydni hates to have a runny nose and will cry out -- nose, nose when her nose starts to run. No fever, but they will surely end up going to the doctor tomorrow. It was a lazy video-a-thon for us today. All they wanted to do was rest and watch their favorite videos. They even got their paci's since we felt so sorry for them.
After nap time today, Sydni pulled a new one on us. She came to the door and couldn't open it so she cried out "let me out of here, let me out of here". It was so funny.
Mommy bought the kids a new slide and playground. The slide is inside the house and all three love it. Jacob uses it as a stepping stool to get closer to the TV/VCR. Caleb loves sitting at the bottom or top of the slide and making everyone wait their turn. Sydni likes to squeeze through the back of the slide. The new playground is still waiting to be put together. Since the kids are sick, Mommy is going to wait a little bit so they won't be upset about not being able to play on it.
Grandpa (Po Po) put together the kids trampoline this past weekend. It's going to stay at Granny Gran and Grandpa's house. We took the kids by the house so they could see it. They all loved it and we can't wait to see them jumping around in it.
They are all talking more and more. One in particular won't stop talking -- she's (hint hint) taking after her Auntie D. They are all also so polite. They say please and thank you all the time. If you burp, even if you cover your mouth and say excuse me, Jacob will come up to you and cover your mouth with his hand and say "excuse me". Sydni is always saying "please" because she knows she will get what she wants. Caleb will say "sorry" if he accidentally bumps into you or gets in your way. Cute kids.
Caleb used the big boy potty today!!!! For the longest time he and Sydni have been saying that they want to go potty but that is so they can go play in the bathroom. Caleb likes to flush the toilet and watch the water go down the drain and Sydni likes to wash her hands. Well tonight Caleb told Mommy he had to go potty so she put him on the potty and he flushed the toilet and then he actually used it. He called Granny Gran, Auntie D and Buzz Lightyear so he could get congratulations from them. We're not sure if he was convinced it was Buzz Lightyear ;) becaus he wouldn't say anything on the phone. Now if we can get the others to follow in his footsteps.
All three have been fighting a bug all week. They each had a runny nose for one day and have now developed a cough and sore throat. We're hoping it's nothing too serious.
Well, the war with Iraq officially began last night. Our thoughts and prayers are with the service men and women who are overseas and those who will undoubtedly be going overseas for this endeavor. Hopefully this will be the only war the kids will ever have to endure.
Things continue to go well with the kids. They are doing better in their big kid beds. We keep arguing over who needs their own bedroom. Auntie D and Granny Gran say that Sydni needs her own bedrom (to show off her castles, tiaras, dollhouses, etc.) because she is the one who continually keeps the boys awake. Once the door closes, she will yell at them to either get up and play with her or if they are still in their beds, she'll tell them "boys, go to sleep" over and over. She's just loud! Cute, but loud! ( I wonder where she gets that from?)
Mommy thinks Jacob needs his own room because he is the one who can sleep anywhere. He usually goes to sleep first and doesn't get disturbed by them even when Sydni and Caleb crawl into his crib and jump around him.
No one really thinks Caleb needs his own room because he'll do whatever everyone else does. If Sydni needs a playmate, he'll play right along with her if he's not totally exhausted. If he's the only one or if it's just him and Jacob, he'll go to sleep with no problem at all.
Everyone knows about Caleb's obsession with Granny Gran. He is always looking for her. If she leaves the room, he starts asking for her. If she's gone when he wakes up from his nap, he starts crying for her. Even in the middle of the night if he cries out it's for Granny Gran. Last night Granny Gran told him she was going bye-bye trying to get him to not call out for her. Poor thing -- he woke up at 5:30 am crying "Granny Gran went bye-bye, Granny Gran went bye-bye". It broke Auntie D's heart when she walked into his room and he was just sitting up and crying his little eyes out. It seems as if he even dreams about her. No wonder he's wrapped around her finger.
The kids went to two birthday parties this past weekend. Their cousin Jessi Jo celebrated her fifth birthday on Saturday. They enjoyed the magician and the bunny rabbit that performed. Jacob was trying to give the bunny rabbit kisses. The magician had to ask all three to move to the side and give the other kids a chance because they were all petting the rabbit and wouldn't move out of the way.
Their cousin Sierra celebrated her second birthday on Sunday. Jacob won the Pin the Tail on the Donkey game. All three enjoyed hitting the pinata. Caleb and Jacob found the broken part of the pinata and got the stick and continued to hit it after the candy fell out. They were more interested in hitting it than getting candy -- Sydni was more interested in the candy.
Granny Gran and Auntie D took the kids to their first Ash Wednesday mass on the 5th. Ashes got in Sydni's eyes and on her nose. As we were leaving, Jacob starts saying "tacos -- tacos". He is so used to going to the church hall after Sunday mass and eating breakfast tacos that he couldn't understand why we were getting in the van and not going to get tacos. He wouldn't stop saying "tacos". Auntie D had to drive around the entire hall to show him nobody was going to get tacos. He fell asleep on the way home and when Granny Gran got him off, he woke up and started saying "tacos -- tacos". Every time Caleb saw Auntie D's ashes on her forehead, he would point and say "church".
We're thinking of starting our own little trio singing group. They are all singing up a storm. Sydni sings to her Disney videos. Cinderella is her favorite. Caleb sings to Veggie Tales. Jacob sings to Signing Times and Old McDonald. He also sings in church -- off key and loud!
Stats: Jacob weighs 30 lbs. Sydni weighs 31 1/2 lbs. Caleb weighs 33 lbs.
Jacob and Caleb have finally recovered from their ear infections. All three had a virus last month and weren't able to get out of the house for a little while.
This year, the kids have experienced their first "snowstorm" and "icestorm" in Texas. It was a good thing we took pictures of the snow because it melted almost as fast as it came down.
We took the kids to see Sesame Street last month in Austin. They loved it. Their cousin Gaby went with them -- they were so excited to see her.
They are still into their Disney videos. Their favorites these days are the Wizard of Oz, Cinderella, Air Bud and Like Mike is still holding its own.
All three are turning out to be great little singers. They can sing Old McDonald at the top of their lungs. Jacob loves to sing in church. It's a good thing we're in the "Cry Room" when he sings otherwise he'd probably distract everyone.
We are so thrilled that the kids are learning sign language. The "Signing Time" videos are outstanding. Jacob's vocabulary has improved 200% since we started the video series. All three know pretty much all of the sign language from the videos. They even have a CD with the songs from the video that they sing along to in the car. It is so cute to see them doing the signs with the songs.
I almost forgot the biggest thing that has happened -- the kids are now in their "big kid" beds. Mommy made the switch a couple of weeks ago. It has been quite an adjustment. The first night Auntie D jumped out of bed at 3:00 am because she thought someone was knocking on the front door -- it turns out Sydni was knocking on her door wanting to come out and play. Jacob is very good about going to sleep by himself but Sydni and Caleb refuse to go to sleep. They think being in these beds means they can get up and come out whenever they want to. Mommy had to put up a gate right outside their door so they don't get out. They'll stand at their door and shake the gate to let us know they're there. Naps are especially hard. No one wants to stay in their beds anymore so we're all trying to adjust.
Sydni is truly a Princess now. Auntie D went to LA last month and brought her back Cinderella's castle from Disneyland. All three love to play with it and Sydni calls it her castle game.
The kids are all doing great. They are learning so much. Their big thing right now is learning sign language. Mommy bought them three videotapes from They are doing a great job of learning them. Jacob absolutely loves them and signs away. He even signs the song even though he's not very accurate on it but he loves it. Sydni and Caleb also know most of the signs -- now if the adults can learn them just as fast we would be in good shape. We are usually asking each other what are they saying when they sign something to us because we can't remember.
They are still into Like Mike but they are starting to enjoy Barney again. Jacob sings the "basketball" song by Lil' Bow Wow. He makes the word basketball into three long words. It is too cute!! Caleb is into Spiderman. He thinks he's Spiderman and tries to jump off of everything. Very scary!!! Sydni is into Barney and everything else. She "likes" everything. She is always telling Auntie D, "I like (fill in the blank)". We were watching Cinderella the other day and she said "I like castles!". She "likes cherries" even though she's never had them. So cute!!
We are planning a trip to Disney World in July for the Triplet Connection Convention. The kids are so excited. Anytime we mention Disney World, Sydni says she needs shoes on right then and there so she can go.
Sesame Street, Dora the Explorer and Barney on Stage are all coming to Texas in the next few months. We are planning on taking the kids to these shows since they enjoyed Blues Clues Live last year.